Beyond self, no end, Cathay Pacific

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[Cathay Pacific News] In order to inherit the company's core values and build a team of excellence, with the support and care of the group leaders, the Group's various businesses were approved and grouped, and their outdoor team building tours were opened in the form of small teams. The departure of the fire department is the marketing management center and the channel management center squad.

Marketing Management Center Team - Yixing Tour

The location of the marketing management center squad of the Fire Department is Wuxi Yixing. In the Zhanggongdong Scenic Area, known as the "Tongtianfudi", the group building tour has begun on the theme of "Beyond Self-Creation." Everyone is looking for a place to enjoy the public, to appreciate the wonders of the stalactites, to see the scenery of the caves, and to share the magic of nature creation. Under the shade of green trees, the two men and three feet, the concerted efforts, the werewolf killing and other groups to build a small game for everyone to smile With great enthusiasm, a wonderful expansion course was organized by the small partners themselves.


[The picture shows the scene of the marketing management center squad activity]


Channel Management Center Team - Lu'an Tour

The detachment of the Fire Management Department's Channel Management Center went to the Jinzhai Martyrs Memorial Hall in Lu'an, Anhui Province. By listening to the explanations and watching pictures, we relived the tragic and glorious moments of history, learned the indomitable spirit of the revolutionary martyrs, and tempered the efficient channel team that bravely went forward.


[The picture shows the scene of the channel management center squad activity]

The development of the group building activities not only allowed employees to breathe the fresh air in nature, but also gained confidence, courage and friendship, understood responsibility, responsibility, and gratitude. More importantly, it enhanced the cohesiveness of the Cathay people and demonstrated The team spirit of friendship and mutual help promotes the family culture, harvests happiness, adds color to our work and life, and also boosts morale and inspires everyone to move forward. In the future, we will contribute to the Cathay Group with a fuller enthusiasm to jointly complete our Cathay Dream.


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