Guidance on strengthening the investigation and rectification of fire extension investigation

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A few days ago, the Fire and Rescue Bureau issued the "Guiding Opinions on Strengthening the Investigation and Rehabilitation of Fire Extinguishing Investigations". Now Xiaobian tries to explain it to everyone! This is about everyone's "interests"!

1. What is the fire extension survey?

The so-called fire extension investigation mainly investigates the causes of fire, the causes of disasters and the fire-fighting technology and other related factors on the basis of finding out the cause of fire, and analyzes the fire risk, fire safety management loopholes and weak links, and proposes specificity. Improvement opinions and measures to promote relevant departments, industries and units to find rectification problems and accountability.

It can be seen that the fire extension investigation is an inevitable need to thoroughly promote the "three investigations of the case" (investigating the causes, inquiring the lessons, and checking the responsibility), and is an inevitable move to study and analyze the deep-seated problems exposed by fire accidents. The inevitable way of investigating and arranging together, shocking a group, and alerting a part of the effect is a favorable starting point for further promoting the implementation of the fire safety responsibility system.

2. Which fires need to be extended for investigation?

Extending investigations should be organized for fires that cause death and significant social impact. Fires causing major social impacts refer to direct economic losses or casualties, or fires that occur in densely populated and important and sensitive places, causing widespread concern by the public and public opinion. The specific scope is firefighting by provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities directly under the Central Government. The rescue team determined.

It can be seen that all fires with dead people, fires with large direct economic losses, or in densely populated and important and sensitive places, which cause widespread concern of the masses and public opinion, require an extended investigation.

Third, how to organize the implementation of extended surveys?

The administrative leaders of fire rescue agencies at all levels are the first responsible persons of the fire extension investigation. Within 5 days after the fire, they organize fire investigation, legal system, supervision and management, fire protection technology, fire fighting and rescue, fire communication, fire equipment and discipline inspection inspectors. The person working at the start of the extension survey. In the course of the investigation, scientific research, universities and other units may be invited, or experts from relevant fields may be invited to participate in the investigation.

It can be seen that the fire extension survey, we are serious!

Fourth, how to divide the work of extension survey?

The fire rescue detachment is responsible for the fire extension investigation of the deceased, large and major social impacts. The fire rescue team is responsible for the major fire extension investigation, and the fire extension investigation is conducted with a large number of people and major social impacts. When the superior fire rescue agency considers it necessary, it may upgrade the organization to carry out an extended investigation. If the government has initiated an accident investigation, the fire rescue agency shall conduct an extended investigation under the unified organization of the government accident investigation team.

It can be seen that the extension of the investigation of this hard work will not have the grassroots brigade anecdote, this burden reduction is very affordable! Hey, did you just say that the fire that caused the death of the person and the major social impact was carried out in an extended investigation? How come it now has a "larger"? Don't worry, comprehensive context analysis, this "larger" should refer to the "larger fire" according to the fire rating. That is to say, even if there is no death of a large fire, we believe that it has a major social impact, so an extended investigation should be carried out.

It should be noted here that the Fire and Rescue Corps is responsible for major fire extension investigations, dispatching personnel to direct large-scale fire investigations that cause major social impacts. This faction is not "elastic", so it can be understood that in addition to the extended investigation of fires that only have death and do not constitute a major social impact, all other extended investigations must be guided by the corps. The team is hard enough, and the manpower is not enough to make a question mark.

5. What are the requirements for the time limit for extending the survey?

The fire rescue agency shall complete the extension investigation within 60 days from the date of the fire, and form a fire accident investigation report. The complicated and difficult situation may be extended for 60 days upon approval by the person in charge of the fire rescue organization at the same level. After the investigation report is approved by the main person in charge of the unit, it shall be reported to the people's government at the same level and the fire rescue agency at the next level. If the government agrees to disclose it, it should be announced through the news media.

On the 60th, the complicated addition of 60 days is so long, which also explains the complexity, hard work and seriousness of this work.

6. What are the responsibilities for the extended investigation?

The first is to use management responsibility.

Including comprehensive investigation of the fire safety site in the implementation of fire safety commitment system, employee fire safety training and education, fire safety system development and implementation, fire protection facilities maintenance and operation, fire control room on duty staff on board and temporary disposal, safe evacuation facilities management, use of fire and electricity Problems such as gas safety management, fire safety inspection inspection, fire emergency evacuation drill, and micro fire station fire disposal. This is almost a full factor survey!

The second is the responsibility for project construction.

Including comprehensive investigation of engineering fire protection design, drawing review, construction, acceptance and supervision, etc., to find out whether the relevant units and individuals are not strictly designed, reviewed and accepted according to fire technical standards, whether there is construction project construction use does not meet market access Whether the fire-fighting products that are unqualified or eliminated by the state are not in accordance with the fire-fighting technical standards, the supervision is not strict, and the fire-fighting technical standards are lowered without authorization. Hey, design, review, construction, acceptance, supervision, etc., the days of sloppy and fishy fish are not good!

The third is the responsibility of intermediary services.

Including the comprehensive investigation of fire protection facilities maintenance, testing, fire safety assessment and fire product certification and inspection around the fire site, to find out whether the intermediary service in the process of practicing does not have the qualifications for practicing, the technical standards for the implementation of intermediary services, etc. In violation of the rules, whether there is a false practice document, whether the registered fire engineer has changed, resold, leased, loaned, or transferred the professional qualification certificate, registration certificate, practice seal, etc. in other forms. Intermediary service, the spell is also put on!

The fourth is the responsibility of fire product quality.

Including the role of fire protection products related to fire occurrence, spread and casualties, comprehensive investigation of fire alarm, fire extinguishing facilities, smoke and smoke exhaust, fire separation and safe evacuation, etc. Production, sales, use and maintenance of fire products To find out whether the fire protection products meet the national laws, regulations and technical standards, whether there are quality problems, and the causes and influencing factors of the fires that are not effective. Hey, who said that fire protection products can be sloppy?

The fifth is the responsibility of fire rescue agencies and government departments.

Investigate the fire prevention and law enforcement and firefighting and rescue operations of fire and rescue agencies in the jurisdiction, whether there are problems such as inadequate fire protection supervision, inaction, chaos, etc., whether there is any need for improvement in fire fighting and rescue operations; Group, check the implementation of safety supervision duties of fire units in relevant industries, departments and grassroots organizations. Who said that it is not inward? Pursuing the truth is the inevitable result of human civilization. This is reflected in the extension investigation! Later, it was mentioned that even if the responsibility for fire safety management of the local government is not implemented, it will be reported to the higher authorities in a timely manner for investigation and handling. This must be praised! Do not dare to be the matter, can it be the matter, and making this request does highlight the sense of responsibility and the spirit of the rule of law!

It is a little regrettable that there is no mention of the quality survey of non-fire products. Cars, electrical products, heating equipment, etc. What should I do if these things are arbitrarily ignited? Don't worry, see if there is any behind!

7. After the extension of the investigation, what should I do next?

Comprehensive use of administrative, criminal and other means of punishment, serious accountability, so that responsibility is in place, let the responsible parties bear the corresponding consequences.


Where the fire safety violations discovered by the investigation shall be subject to administrative punishment by the fire rescue agency, the fire rescue agency shall impose corresponding penalties according to law and notify the relevant department of the relevant punishments; the administrative punishments that should be made by other departments will be collected. The clues and evidence are transferred to relevant departments for investigation and processing.


Directly related to fire, spread and casualties, suspected of fire, fire accident, major liability accident, forced violation of risk, major labor safety accident, dangerous goods accident, production and sales If a product does not comply with the safety standards and other crimes, the clues and evidence shall be transferred to the public security organ with jurisdiction.


Units responsible for fire construction, intermediary services, fire product quality and use management shall be included in the blacklist of fire safety credit management, and they shall implement credit restrictions and joint punishment.


There are inactions and chaos in the fire supervision and enforcement, and there are obvious negative battles in the fire fighting and rescue operations. Serious violations directly lead to major casualties or property losses. The fire rescue agencies are seriously responsible for and handling according to the law; Where the fire safety supervision and management duties are not implemented, they shall promptly report to the government concerned for investigation and handling according to law; if the local government has failed to implement the fire safety management duties, it shall promptly report to the higher level government for investigation and handling according to law.

Eight, tracking supervision and rectification assessment is a matter of fact?

The purpose of tracking supervision and rectification assessment is to promote the transformation of investigation results into fire prevention measures and improve the fire prevention and control capabilities of the whole society. This time, the focus of the collection can be described as "flying normal"!


After completing the extended investigation, the fire rescue agency shall, in accordance with the subordinate status of the responsible unit, promptly notify the relevant industry system of the relevant level of the fire profile and suggestions for preventing the recurrence of similar accidents, and shall also identify fire hazards and problems with industry characteristics. Timely notification.


Establish a system for assessing the implementation of fire accident investigation and rectification measures. Within one year after the completion of the fire investigation, the government should be invited to organize relevant departments or entrusted third-party organizations to carry out assessments on the implementation of rectification measures, and publicly disclose the results to the public in a timely manner. Ineffective, rectification

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