Eight highlights of new regulations for fire protection design review and acceptance of construction projects

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It is reported that the "Interim Provisions on the management of examination and acceptance of fire protection design of construction projects" has been implemented since June 1.

According to the overall requirements of institutional reform and the newly revised fire protection law, the subject of examination and acceptance of fire protection design of construction projects is adjusted from the public security fire department to the competent department of housing and urban and rural construction. On May 10, 2019, the legal information network of the Ministry of Justice issued a public consultation system to solicit opinions from the whole society on the provisions on the management of fire protection design review and acceptance of construction projects (Draft). Half a year later, the title was finally revised to "Interim Provisions", which carried out the responsibilities of fire protection design review and acceptance, record and spot check, and added the optimization of business environment, the reform of engineering construction project approval system, etc. Here, Cathay Pacific fire protection shares the eight highlights of the new regulations

One is to set primary responsibility, main responsibility and personal responsibility. The regulations stipulate that the construction unit shall be primarily responsible for the fire protection design and construction quality of construction projects according to law. Design and construction engineering supervision technical service units are responsible for the fire protection design and construction quality of construction projects according to law. The employees of the above-mentioned units shall bear corresponding personal responsibilities for the fire-fighting design and construction quality of construction projects in accordance with the law.

Second, it is clear that the relevant units and individuals should bear civil liability. According to the regulations, the construction design and construction engineering supervision technical service units and their employees who violate the relevant construction engineering laws and regulations and the national engineering construction fire control technical standards shall be punished or investigated for criminal responsibility according to law, and shall also bear corresponding civil liabilities according to law.

Third, the scope of fire protection design review and acceptance is limited to special construction projects. The scope of examination and approval is basically the same as that of the original public security fire department. Special construction projects shall be subject to fire inspection and acceptance system. Those that have not passed the fire control acceptance or fail to pass the fire control acceptance shall not be put into use.

Fourth, simplify the application and certification materials and shorten the time limit for examination and approval. The special construction unit shall apply for the examination of fire protection design, submit the application form for examination of fire protection design, and the fire protection design documents. If it is necessary to handle the construction project planning permission according to law, the construction project planning permission document shall be submitted; for the temporary building that needs approval according to law, the approval document shall be submitted. Apply for fire acceptance, submit fire acceptance application form, project completion acceptance report and construction project completion drawings involving fire protection. The competent department of fire protection design examination and acceptance shall issue a written examination opinion within 15 working days from the date of accepting the application for fire protection design and fire protection acceptance examination.

Fifth, the review of other construction projects has been greatly simplified. When applying for construction permit or approval of commencement report, the construction unit shall provide fire protection design drawings and technical data meeting the construction requirements. The system of spot check on record shall be implemented. The construction unit shall report to the competent department of fire protection design examination and acceptance for the record within five working days after the completion acceptance. The system of "double random and one open" will be implemented in the spot check.

Sixth, the rules embody the principle of trust protection. It is clear that before the implementation of the newly promulgated national fire protection technical standards for engineering construction, if the fire protection design of construction projects has passed the examination according to law, the standards of the original review opinions shall be followed. From the system level, we should prevent constant change and increase the burden of enterprises.

The seventh is to reserve space for technical service institutions. The regulations refer to the technical service organizations for technical review of fire protection design drawings of construction projects, detection of fire-fighting facilities or on-site assessment of fire-fighting acceptance of construction projects. How to carry out the service is expected to be clearly defined in the code of acceptance of fire protection design of construction projects to be formulated by the Ministry of housing and urban rural development. It's worth looking forward to.

Eighth, the regulations also stipulate the funds for fire protection design review, acceptance, filing and spot check, as well as informing the fire rescue agencies of the results of fire inspection and inspection, and sharing of building plans, fire-fighting facilities layout plans, fire-fighting facilities system drawings and other data.

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