All localities actively promote the construction of emergency response capacity and carry out disaster prevention and mitigation activities in a down-to-earth manner

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May 12 is the 12th National Day for disaster prevention and reduction in China, and may 9-15 is the publicity week for disaster prevention and mitigation. In order to strengthen the construction of emergency response capacity at the grass-roots level, the office of the National Disaster Reduction Committee and the emergency management department issued a special notice in April, and deployed various departments concerned to thoroughly study and publicize and carry out the spirit of the important discussion of general secretary Xi Jinping on emergency management of disaster prevention, disaster reduction, disaster relief, etc., highlighting the theme of raising grassroots emergency capability and building a people's defense line for disaster prevention, disaster relief and disaster relief, and seriously organizing and carrying out today's work. Activities of the national day for disaster prevention and mitigation. All relevant departments in various localities attach great importance to and carefully organize, actively promote the construction of grassroots emergency response capacity, and extensively carry out various activities of the national disaster prevention and mitigation day, so as to continuously enhance the people's sense of happiness, sense of gain and sense of security.

According to the different situations of epidemic prevention and control, various emergency drills have been carried out according to local conditions, and the emergency command mechanism for dealing with various disasters and accidents has been improved. Shanghai held an emergency relief material support drill. In view of the natural disaster risk of rainstorm, spring tide and flood in the flood season, the subjects of material support for emergency personnel transfer and embankment emergency rescue material support were set up. Mudanjiang, Heilongjiang Province, held a joint exercise between government and enterprises on epidemic prevention and control of hazardous chemicals leakage and fire emergency disposal in Xuecheng city. Based on the epidemic prevention and control and the actual situation of enterprises, we tested and improved the emergency plan for epidemic prevention and control, and improved the production and work safety capacity of enterprises in the field of industry, mining and commerce. Jinan, Shandong Province, carried out emergency drills for community gas leakage accidents, and used the community emergency rescue station smart city emergency cloud platform to effectively improve the efficiency of accident reporting, equipment repair and personnel evacuation and rescue.

Through various forms such as open online classes, live broadcast of new media, online interviews and other forms, all relevant departments in various localities actively popularize the knowledge of various disasters and accidents and basic skills of prevention and response to the public. For the first time, Beijing has launched the "cloud to school safety" campaign in the city, and adopted the mode of "Internet plus Security + education", publicizing disaster prevention, disaster relief, disaster relief and safety emergency knowledge, and enhancing the safety awareness and emergency response ability of the public, especially primary school students. Sichuan organized online visits to more than 10 science and education venues and experience bases at all levels, including the "5 · 12" Wenchuan Earthquake Memorial Hall, to create a three-dimensional, regional and situational emergency popular science education base group in Sichuan Province. Jiangxi carried out earthquake VR experience project into communities and lights show activities on both sides of the Ganjiang River to popularize knowledge of earthquake prevention and disaster reduction, and enhance citizens' awareness of disaster prevention and mitigation. Through network teaching and other means, Henan carried out special training for administrative village (community) leaders and management personnel to enhance the disaster prevention and mitigation ability of grass-roots units.

All relevant departments in various localities will organically combine disaster prevention, mitigation and relief with grassroots social governance and public services, pay attention to strengthening the grid management of disaster risk, strengthening business training and the popularization and application of advanced technology and equipment, and improve the ability of grid members to identify potential disaster risks. Hebei actively guides the grass-roots units to carry out regular and institutionalized hidden danger investigation, supports and guides community residents and social forces to extensively participate in the investigation and treatment of hidden dangers of disasters and accidents, and highlights the investigation and treatment of hidden dangers in densely populated places such as urban and rural communities, schools and hospitals, as well as key facilities and key parts. Shanxi organized the activities of experts and technical services into communities in the whole province, carried out special lectures on disaster prevention and mitigation knowledge and emergency rescue skills, guided the communities to carry out the investigation and treatment of disaster and accident hidden dangers, strengthened the awareness of disaster prevention and mitigation at the grass-roots level, and enhanced the ability of emergency self-help.

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