The emergency management department of the office of the National Forest and grassland fire prevention and control headquarters has done a solid job in forest and grassland fire prevention and control during the Spring Festival

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According to the comprehensive discussion and judgment, during the Spring Festival in 2020, the forest fire risk level of some areas in northern Beijing, northern Hebei, southwest Fujian, southern Jiangxi, southern Hunan, most of Guangdong, Eastern Guangxi, Western and southern Sichuan, and Northern Yunnan will be at a higher level. Among them, the forest fire risk level is high in southwest Fujian, northern Guangdong, southern Sichuan and Northern Yunnan. In addition, with the coming of the new year, the number of returning home personnel in forest and pastoral areas is increasing rapidly. Fireworks and firecrackers, sacrificial rites, tomb sweeping, mountain leisure tourism are becoming more and more frequent. There are different degrees of fire using behaviors such as burning mountains, burning straw, burning ridges, etc., which makes it more difficult to control the fire source in the field, and the situation of forest and grassland fire prevention and extinguishing is extremely severe.

In order to effectively deal with the severe fire situation and create a peaceful and stable festival atmosphere, Huang Ming, deputy commander in chief of the National Forest Defense Department and Secretary of the Party group of the emergency management department, presided over the seminar on forest and grassland fire analysis, studied and judged the current situation of fire prevention and control, learned from the Australian forest fire education, and made arrangements for forest and grassland fire prevention and control work in the near future, especially during the Spring Festival. The National Forest Defense Office, the emergency management department, together with the Ministry of natural resources, the China Meteorological Administration, the Chinese Academy of Sciences and other relevant units, comprehensively discussed and judged the national climate trend and fire risk situation during the Spring Festival in 2020, and issued early warning of high forest fire risk in a timely manner; six working groups were formed together with members of the development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of public security, and the State Forestry and grass administration to go to Beijing, Zhejiang, Guangdong, Guangxi, China Sichuan, Yunnan and other provinces (districts and cities) carried out law enforcement inspection on forest and grassland fire prevention and control; jointly with public security and forestry and grass departments, they organized special strike operations, dispatched more than 990000 inspectors and 160000 police forces, investigated and dealt with more than 4000 cases of illegal fire use and fire detection in the field, arrested more than 450 illegal persons and imposed administrative penalties on more than 2800 people. Recently, the State Forestry and grass administration also organized a teleconference on forest and grassland fire prevention and production safety during the Spring Festival. The Ministry of culture and tourism further strengthened the publicity and education on fire prevention in scenic spots. The Ministry of industry and information technology organized the emergency communication support work in forest and pastoral areas. The PLA and the armed police forces strengthened military local coordination and joint prevention and control.

The National Forest Defense Office and the emergency management department guided more than 2500 professional teams and more than 70 aircraft to do fire prevention and control work. They actively issued supervision letters and reminders to high fire risk provinces and regions, and allocated fire-fighting materials. The national forest fire brigade stationed in 20 key fire risk areas. At the same time, all localities are required to adhere to the policy of "prevention first, combination of prevention and extinguishing, and efficient fire fighting", keep a close eye on the key points of forest and grassland fire prevention and control at present, especially during the Spring Festival, highlight publicity and education, promote fire prevention publicity into enterprises, rural areas, communities, schools and families, and enhance the awareness of fire prevention of the whole people; pay attention to early warning and monitoring, and strengthen satellite, aviation and monitoring In order to ensure the early detection and disposal of the fire, it is necessary to strengthen the fire source control, compact and tighten the responsibility chain, increase the inspection of key parts, strengthen the management and protection of key groups, and strictly implement the fire prohibition order and field fire approval system; pay attention to the emergency disposal, strictly implement the duty system and various forest fire fighting forces It is necessary to garrison in advance, strengthen training and drills, quickly and safely handle sudden fires, ensure "early, small and hit", and strictly prevent small fires from causing major disasters.

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