Safety Commission Office of the State Council continues to deepen expert guidance service for key counties of hazardous chemicals

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Establish a scientific and long-term mechanism to play a leading role in demonstration. The office of the State Council safety committee continuously deepen the expert guidance service of key counties of hazardous chemicals, focus on analyzing 618 hazardous chemical products enterprises, and check and rectify more than 31000 potential problems; in 2020, the number of chemical accidents and deaths in 53 key counties will decrease by 11.1% and 30.8% year on year Since the State Council Safety Committee Office launched expert guidance services to 53 key counties of hazardous chemicals in China in january2019, the safety supervision ability and enterprise safety production level of all regions have been greatly improved. Expert guidance service has become an effective way to break through the last kilometer of safety management of hazardous chemicals.

Inspection service and supervision of major issues

At present, the output value of chemical industry in China has accounted for 40% of the total chemical industry output value in the world, ranking the first in the world. The production and operation units of hazardous chemicals reached 210000. However, relevant data show that 80% of these enterprises are small and medium-sized enterprises, with only 30% of actual controllers and main leaders with chemical background, and less than 50% of safety management personnel. The number of professionals is small and the level of intrinsic safety is not high, especially the risks and hidden dangers brought by the rapid growth of the past decade are superimposed together, which makes the dangerous chemicals field form systematic risk.

In order to help enterprises and local governments improve the management ability of hazardous chemicals, the State Council Safety Committee organized more than 1900 experts and conducted four rounds of centralized guidance services. It is understood that four rounds of expert guidance services have their own emphasis, which are progressive in turn. The first round focuses on key enterprises with high and high risk levels, and promotes the implementation of enterprise risk classification control; the second round focuses on learning from the major and serious accidents such as "3.21" special major explosion accidents of Jiangsu Xiangshui tianjiayi company, and analyzes the deep problems existing in the safety production of enterprises through special training The third round focuses on the risks of major hazard sources and the risks of enterprises' start and shutdown during the epidemic situation, and promotes the implementation of the opinions on Comprehensively Strengthening the work of safety production of hazardous chemicals by the State Administration of the people's Republic of China and the State Administration of the people's Republic of China; and the fourth round focuses on "three remediation" (Chemical Engineering) The industrial park is upgraded, hazardous chemicals enterprises classified and illegal "small chemical" are renovated), and special investigation and treatment of major risks involving ammonium nitrate, nitrocellulose, potassium chlorate, sodium chlorate and nitrification process are carried out.

"The expert guidance service group (hereinafter referred to as the expert group) is different from the previous safety inspection group. Their inspection is more detailed, and the hidden dangers of the enterprise are deeply rooted in the design, system and implementation level." Duanchengyi, technical director of Chongqing Yingtian huichlor Alkali Chemical Co., Ltd., said that the guidance service was very beneficial.

This is a miniature of expert guidance service in key counties of hazardous chemicals. Since the development of expert guidance service, the State Council Safety Committee Office has established 10 expert groups, each group of which is equipped with professional experts such as safety, technology and equipment. It conducts a comprehensive system quantitative evaluation on the enterprise in terms of the essential safety design, process operation and equipment integrity management of production and storage devices, and finds out the short board of enterprise safety production through "consultation and inspection".

After each on-site inspection, the expert group will give centralized feedback and comments, find out the problems and analyze the reasons together with the enterprises, help to put forward solutions and improvement suggestions, and urge the enterprises to give a case study to prevent the recurrence of similar problems. Meanwhile, maintain contact and communication with emergency management departments and enterprises in key counties, and provide real-time problem rectification consulting services and technical support for enterprises. For the hidden problems found, the expert group will also classify them and submit them to the local emergency management department for supervision and supervision. Major hidden dangers and outstanding problems shall be supervised by provincial emergency management department, and closed-loop rectification shall be conducted within a time limit.

Promote online and offline training with point and surface

"To teach a man to fish is better than to fish." The expert group fully plays the role of "propaganda team, teaching team, demonstration team and guard team" in safety production, and conducts communication and training on a point-to-face basis. A total of 120000 persons in charge of the enterprise, safety management personnel and relevant technical personnel have received expert guidance training.

"We will promote mutual learning and mutual learning and" tie up "among key counties, and organize the safety supervisors of hazardous chemicals in Fengxian District, Wuhai Wuda District, Inner Mongolia, Anning City, Kunming, Yunnan, and Golmud City, Haixi, Qinghai, to exchange and learn from each other The relevant head of the State Council Security Committee Office said.

In addition to offline training, the State Council Safety Committee Office also organized and developed the app of "turning danger into safety", launching online lecture hall of "turning danger into safety", and guiding grass-roots employees to learn knowledge and safety skills of hazardous chemicals. Up to now, more than 200000 people have conducted online learning and answering questions. 700000 people have watched the interpretation of the guidelines for the investigation and treatment of safety risks and hidden dangers of hazardous chemical enterprises, HAZOP training, SIS training and other courses.

In the expert guidance service, the expert group has studied and judged the implementation of the three-year action implementation plan for special treatment of hazardous chemicals safety in key counties, carried out the publicity and implementation training of the three-year action plan, promoted the problems of "general rough up and down" and "two lists" of the solutions were not updated dynamically; the supervision and inspection of enterprises outside the chemical park and small and micro enterprises were carried out in order to promote the implementation of key counties Chemical Industry Park, hazardous chemical enterprises, illegal illegal "small chemical industry" and "three remediation"; prepare the construction plan of enterprise safety education and training space, guide and assist more than 10 key counties to establish safety skills training base, and promote key counties to accelerate the completion of "three one" construction (a professional team, a safety training space and a skills training base).

Improve safety level and establish a mechanism of guiding and guiding

"When we provide the first round of expert guidance service, it is difficult for us to assign one local expert to each major. By the fourth round, we have no pressure to assign two follow-up experts for each major." Dongqixiong, member of the Party committee of the Linhai Emergency Management Bureau of Zhejiang Province, said that the number and level of local experts in the city have been greatly improved after the four rounds of guidance services.

Originally, helping local to build an expert team is one of the original intention of expert guidance service in key counties. Therefore, each round of guidance services, the expert group will ask local experts to observe and learn throughout the process, demonstrate the guidance service process for local experts, grass-roots supervisors and enterprise managers, and teach the thinking and methods of hidden danger investigation and safety management. Up to now, nearly 4000 local experts have participated in observation and learning, and over 700 experts have assisted the local normalization service in 53 key counties. 1100 experts are employed in 261 key provincial counties determined by 30 provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the central government), and more than 700 rounds of provincial expert guidance services are carried out, with more than 2200 enterprises serving in a centralized manner, guiding over 8400 hidden dangers of rectification problems.

The role of expert guidance services is more than that. Through four rounds of expert guidance services, the expert group summarized and refined a batch of systematic results: preparing the guidance service guide for experts in key counties of hazardous chemicals, standardizing the procedures of inspection, feedback, training, tracking and service, sorting out the risks of the same type of enterprises, and classifying and forming risk hidden dangers investigation of tank farm (reservoir area), coal chemical industry, petrochemical industry, nitrification process and other risks Manual, provide practical guidance and professional tools for the independent implementation of precision guidance services.

In recent years, the situation of safety production in the chemical industry has been improving. In 2020, no major accident occurred in the chemical industry since the founding of new China.

Perfect normalization mechanism to summarize the curing results

"Although the expert guidance service has achieved certain results and has been widely recognized by all aspects, there are still some problems." The relevant head of the State Council Security Committee Office said.

At present, the director said that at the system level, there is no local normalization expert guidance service mechanism, and the provincial key counties have been slow in the development of expert guidance services; the lack of effective incentive and restraint mechanism for the supervision responsibility of the local areas and the responsibility of the enterprise subject leads to the dependence of some regions and enterprises on the guidance services. In the selection of experts, high-level experts are still lacking, and the experts involved in the selection are not extensive and uneven. In the process of service, the opinions and suggestions of grass-roots, enterprises and experts are not enough, and there are relatively few links to conduct discussions and research to understand the actual needs; the rich practical experience and materials accumulated in the guidance service need to be summarized and solidified as soon as possible as possible as the system results.

In this regard, the office of the State Council Security Committee will make great efforts to guide enterprises to improve, strengthen the guidance on the investigation and treatment of on-site hidden dangers of enterprises, which will not only help enterprises to find out hidden dangers, but also teach them methods to check hidden dangers. We should innovate and expand the long-term mechanism and the responsibility of compaction base, establish a scientific and standardized normal expert guidance service mechanism and key county linkage mechanism at all levels, so as to further compact the main responsibility of the enterprise and the local supervision responsibility. To build expert base in the field of subdividing industries, strengthen professional training for experts, integrate experts from the office of safety committee and local experts, etc., to provide support for normalized services. Improve the expert guidance service manual and the evaluation indexes of the key counties for safety production supervision, clarify the normalized service content, standardize the work flow of key counties at all levels, and grade the 53 key counties, encourage 261 key provincial counties to participate in the evaluation, update the ranking dynamically every year, and promote the demonstration counties to play a greater leading role.

"We will focus on establishing and improving the normalization expert guidance service mechanism, focusing on high-risk processes and high-risk chemicals storage facilities, and accurately carrying out expert guidance services. We will promote key work through focusing on key points, plugging loopholes and short board, and realize the standard leading, demonstration belt movement and comprehensive promotion, and radiation will promote the safety production level of hazardous chemicals in China." The relevant head of the State Council Security Committee Office said.

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